Thursday, September 1, 2005

Art to support GLA efforts

Once again the Georgia Lawyers for the Arts have called on Jennifer to donate one of her works to be auctioned at their November Gala. Jennifer’s work has proved to be a popular attraction for GLA at past Galas, helping to raise the funds necessary to support their efforts. The Gala is GLA’s primary fundraising event, and Jennifer has donated Sepia from her Currents Series to be included in the silent auction.

The GLA conducts educational programs and provides free legal services to low-income artists and non-profit arts organizations across the state. GLA also allows artists, art agencies, museums, galleries, attorneys and others to utilize its extensive resource library containing sample contracts, copyright information, and more than 250 volumes of information. This year the GLA Gala will be held at the Lowe Gallery located in the Buckhead area on Bennett Street in Atlanta,GA. The date is November 4, from 7:00-10:00 PM. Tickets to the Gala can be purchased at the door, or ahead by calling 404-873-3911.